Create simple addressbook
We'll create a simple addressbook.
In the previous tutorials we created Hubleto application named MyApp
- one route in the router
- one controller activated by this route
- one view set by the controller
Now we'll learn how to create models, database relations and how to create CRUD-like user interface just with few lines of HTML code.
Once done, your app will contain a simple addressbook for managing contacts and users responsible for these contact. It will look like this:
This table and form were rendered just by creating this simple view:
<app-table string:model="HubletoApp/External/MyCompany/MyApp/Models/Contact"></app-table>
Only a single line of HTML code and you get full-featured tables and forms to manage your data.
Cool, isn't it?
Add model for contacts
So, let's start learning. Go to the next tutorial and learn how to create a model for contacts.