Advanced development Core classes HubletoMain\Core\Model



The Model class allows you to define data structures, UI and permissions of form and table components.

Base Model File


namespace HubletoApp\External\MyCompany\MyApp\Models;

class MyModel extends \HubletoMain\Core\Model {}


parameter Description type
table The name of the table in your database string
eloquentClass The class that will be managing the relations to other Models \ADIOS\Core\Model\Eloquent class
lookupSqlValue The value that will be visible when using a lookup for this Model ({\%TABLE\%}.lookup_value) string
relations An array of relations in the Model array


If the Eloquent class of the Model contains relations, you also need to describe these relations in the Model class, like this:

Example of relations in the Model class

public array $relations = [
  'PERSON' => [ self::BELONGS_TO, Person::class, 'id_person', 'id' ],
  'COUNTRY' => [ self::HAS_ONE, Country::class, 'id', 'id_country' ],

Describing the data structure

For the tables to be created in your database when installing Models, you first need to describe the columns of the tables. You can do so by overriding the describeColumns() method.

Example of the describeColumns() method

public function describeColumns(): array
  return array_merge(parent::describeColumns([
    'name' => new \ADIOS\Core\Db\Column\Varchar($this, 'Name')

The array key specifies the column name in the database. Each column can be further defined by several key-value pairs:

parameter Description type
type The  ADIOS input type string
title The title of the column that wil be shown in the UI string
model Full path to the lookup model or a model class string/Model class
foreignKeyOnUpdate SQL notation of the foreign key OnUpdate parameter string
foreignKeyOnDelete SQL notation of the foreign key OnDelete parameter string
required Sets the requirement for the column to be filled boolean
readonly Disables input boolean
enumValues An array of values that will be available for selection key-value Array

Example of a lookup column

'id_person' => (new \ADIOS\Core\Db\Column\Lookup($this, 'Person', Person::class))->setRequired()

Example with enumValues

'type' => (new \ADIOS\Core\Db\Column\Varchar($this, 'Type'))
  ->setEnumValues('email' => 'Email', 'number' => 'Phone Number', 'other' => 'Other')

Notable overridable methods

describeTable(array $description = [])

This method allows you to describe the CRUD permissions, columns and the UI elements of a table during runtime. By default the permissions of a table will be set depending on the permissions of the role of a user and some of the UI elements of the table will not be present.

This example shows the options of how you can describe the table:

public function describeTable(): array
    $description = parent::describeTable();
    $description->ui['title'] = 'Table Title';
    $description->ui['addButtonText'] = 'Add Model';
    $description->ui['showHeader'] = true;
    $description->ui['showFooter'] = false;
    $description->permissions['canRead'] = true;
    $description->permissions['canCreate'] = true;
    $description->permissions['canUpdate'] = true;
    $description->permissions['canDelete'] = true;
    return $description;

The columns of a table can be accessed with $description->columns. Columns can be removed, edited or even added.

describeTable(): array

This method allows you to describe the CRUD permissions, columns, default values and relations of a form during runtime. By default the permissions of a form will be set depending on the permissions of the role of a user and relations of the model for the form won't be set. This will mean that the form won't retrieve data from the relations.

prepareLoadRecordQuery(array|null $includeRelations = null, int $maxRelationLevel = 0, $query = null, int $level = 0)

This method allows you to modify the database query for retrieving data of the model. The query can be modified using Eloquent's query building.

This method also allows you to set $maxRelationLevel, the maximum level of depth of the relation information. The maximum level of depth is four, due to the amount of information that is received from the model.

Other overridable methods can be found in the ADIOS Framework documentation for the  Model class

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