Advanced development 'Description' API

'Description' API

Describes how certain parts of Hubleto app look like.

Description API is a concept of describing how certain parts of Hubleto apps look like. To get a better idea what description API is about, you can think about it as a configuration structure specifying the behaviour of e.g. tables, forms or inputs.

For even better understanding, let's give an example.


As already said, the description API can be used on numerous parts of Hubleto App. We will explain it on a simple example - to describe how table showing a list of rows for a specific model should behave in the user interface.

Say, we have a Customer model - a class in the HubletoApp\Community\Customers\Models namespace. This class contains a method called describeTable() and this method returns an object consisting of

To get a grasp, take a look at these properties in  ADIOS\Core\Description\Table class:

  /** @property array{ title: string, subTitle: string, addButtonText: string, showHeader: bool, showFooter: bool, showFilter: bool, showHeaderTitle: bool } */
  public array $ui = [
    'title' => '',
    'subTitle' => '',
    'addButtonText' => '',
    'showHeader' => true,
    'showFooter' => true,
    'showFilter' => true,
    'showHeaderTitle' => true,

  /** @property array{ canCreate: bool, canRead: bool, canUpdate: bool, canDelete: bool } */
  public array $permissions = [
    'canCreate' => false,
    'canRead' => false,
    'canUpdate' => false,
    'canDelete' => false,

  /** @property array<\ADIOS\Core\Db\Column> */
  public array $columns = [];

And now, you can implement your own logic to describe the behaviour of the table in a Model->describeTable() method, for example:

public function describeTable(): \ADIOS\Core\Description\Table
  $description = parent::describeTable();
  $description->ui['title'] = 'Customers';
  $description->ui['addButtonText'] = 'Add customer';
  $description->ui['showHeader'] = true;
  $description->ui['showFooter'] = false;
  return $description;

Got it? With this description API, you have full power to configure the behaviour of tables, forms or inputs for each of your models separately.

Table description

See this chapter to read about configuration parameters that you can use to describe tables.

Form description

See this chapter to read about configuration parameters that you can use to describe forms. | Found a bug or missing something? Report an issue via GitHub.