Advanced development Core architecture User management and authentication

User management and authentication

About Hubleto's default authentication provider

By default, Hubleto project uses \HubletoMain\Auth class to provide user authentication. When accessing any resource via some URL (route or endpoint), Hubleto first checks whether user must be authenticated in order to access this resource. If yes, the authentication class checks for the authenticated user. If no user is authenticated, Hubleto automatically renders sign-in screen and after login redirects to the originally requested resource.

User model

This default authentication provider uses \HubletoApp\Community\Settings\Models\User model to store information about users. The implementation of this model is in


If you want to change the authentication behavious for your project, you can implement your own HubletoMain->createAuthProvider() method in src/Main.php. Default implementation of this method is in

If you want to change the design of the sign-in screen, simply modify src/Views/SignIn.twig view ( | Found a bug or missing something? Report an issue via GitHub.