Advanced development 'Description' API 'Description' API - Tables

'Description' API - Tables

Describes how tables behave for a certain model.

Source code

For the complete list of properties, check


Property Type Description
$description->ui['title'] String Title of the table.
$description->ui['subTitle'] String Subtitle of the table.
$description->ui['addButtonText'] String Text to be shown in the button to add a record.
$description->ui['showHeader'] Boolean If set to true, header will be shown.
$description->ui['showHeaderTitle'] Boolean If set to true, header title will be shown.
$description->ui['showFooter'] Boolean If set to true, footer will be shown.
$description->ui['showFilter'] Boolean If set to true, filter will be shown.


Property Type Description
$description->upermissionsi['canCreate'] Boolean If set to true, the user can create new records.
$description->upermissionsi['canRead'] Boolean If set to true, the user can read records.
$description->permissions['canUpdate'] Boolean If set to true, the user can update records.
$description->permissions['canDelete'] Boolean If set to true, the user can delete records.


Property $description->columns is an array of objects of ADIOS\Core\Db\Column class. Each object represents a definition of a column to be shown in the table. By default, all columns in the model are populated in this property:

$description->columns = $model->columns() | Found a bug or missing something? Report an issue via GitHub.