Understanding columns in model

Concept of columns in model is very important. This guide explains why.

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With this setup, you will create a model with:

We have used following properties and methods:

Property or Method Description
string $table Name of the table in SQL database.
$eloquentClass Reference to the class representing the Eloquent object
columns() Definition of columns (a.k.a attributes) of the model, including data-related information (e.g. varchar) and UI-related information (e.g., title).

Table: Properties and methods used in the example.

Definition of columns

At this moment, we have to slow down a bit. Definition of columns in Hubleto model is crucial part of development of models. This is because many other functionalities, including rendering of some core UI components like  Table.tsx,  Form.tsx or  Input.tsx heavily use definition of columns in the model.

Columns are defined using the columns() method. In the example above, whe defined two columns: first_name and last_name. Both columns have their type which is the most important attribute of the columns. The type determines:

For the list of default types of columns, check the Columns folder in Adios framework:  https://github.com/wai-blue/adios/tree/main/src/Core/Db/Columns.

Each column then can have various additional attributes. Some examples are listed below. For the full list of available attributes see  documentation of Adios framework.

Attribute Applies to Description
string $title All data types Used in table header and form inputs
boolean $required All data types Whether the column is required to have any value when saving the form.
boolean $show All data types Whether to show the column in tables and forms.
array $enumValues varchar, int If provided, the input will be renderd as a select.
string $model lookup Reference to a related model (its class) in an 1:N relation.
boolean $readonly All data types Whethe the input for the column should render as readonly.

Table: List of most commonly used attributes of columns.

Render table with form

Now, having the columns defined, we want to create a UI with a table to manage data in this model. For this, we will use pre-built data-grid component from Adios framework:  Table.tsx. This component then automatically uses other components to render forms and inputs:  Form.tsx and  Input.tsx.

To render the table, you need to:

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